Scouts is about having fun while gaining value leadership skills and self-confidence.
Scouts enjoy outdoor adventures like mountain biking, rock climbing and lots of camping while working together with other young people to accomplish thrilling challenges.
Scouting gives every member a chance to be a leader. It might involve running an activity, organizing a camp, or participating with other young people across your province or Canada in a youth forum.
Badges and Awards are a nice part of recognition to acknowledge how much progress the Scouts have made in life and in the program. To learn more about it go to the Scouts Canada website - Scouts Badge Requirments and look through them.
Just as there is the 6 Star Award there is an award that recognizes their completion of the program. Check out the requirements for the Chief Scout Award
One of the greatest challenges with the badge program is managing it. Second to that is having the Scouts look at their book to see what they have done and need to do to finish their requirements for a Challenge Badge. Another tool to help is the Scouts Tracker for Scouts. This is a free program that can allow you and your scout to work on their requirements, help with managing his or her progress to completing their Chief Scout award and also help with knowing when other badge requirements are completed - like the Brown/Green/White level for Challenge Badges, or the Year Round Camping Award. These many rewards and recognitions are difficult to keep straight and a tool like this might help so go ahead and check it out. If you use the email that was used for registering your Scout that will make it easier to work with the troop.