Beaver Ratio

Clarifying Beaver Scout Ratios and Camping Policy

To help you better understand Scouts Canada policy as it relates to activities undertaken by Beaver Scouts, for your convenience listed below the pertinent policies with helpful explanations in blue text:

BP&P section 4008.2 – Requirements for Section Leadership

The Beaver Scout section will have at least two registered Scouters, both of which are 18 years of age or older and one who is responsible for the Section and the leadership team; in the case of Beaver Scouts, this Scouter is designated as the contact person.

BP&P section 4008.2 – Ratios Colony

Each Colony must have a minimum of two Scouters present at all times. In total, the minimum ratio of Scouters to youth members for a Colony Section is 1:5 but not less than two (2).  (See Section 10001 for additional requirements for Camping and Outdoor Activities.)

The ratio of 1:5 is in place for all Beaver Scout activities whether these activities take place in the regular meeting place or outside in the greater community. The exception to this policy is the Beaver Scout Camping Policy (see below):


BP&P section 10001.1 – Beaver Scouts:

  1. Family Camping – A parent/designate may be responsible for a maximum of two Beaver Scouts.
  2. Minimum facilities for Beaver Scout camping must include tents for sleeping and some form of additional weather resistant shelter suitable for games, crafts, dining and cooking.

BP&P section 10000.2 – Definitions:

"Family Camping" is an overnight camp where each Beaver Scout is accompanied by an adult member of their family or adult designate.

"Sleepover" is staying overnight in your typical meeting place or comparable Facility, such as community hall, school, etc.

Beaver Scouts are encouraged to go camping but the intent is that the camp would take the form of "Family Camping" as described above.

A "Sleepover" is not considered camping and as such falls under the regular ratio policy of meetings/activities of 1:5, with a minimum of two leaders as described above. A "Sleepover" is defined by the location of the activity, regardless of the number of nights.

BP&P section 3001.2 – Screening Level Required for all Adult Volunteers:

Steps to follow:

  1. Determine adult category.
  2. Determine activity type.
  3. Proceed with appropriate screening process as outlined in the following Screening Level Chart.

Screening requirements for Parent/Guardian (non-registered adult accompanying their registered child/youth (All Activities)

This is the process for parents or designates accompanying Beaver Scouts on "Family Camping":

It is also important to note that additional help from Scouters, parents/guardians may be added by the leadership team depending on factors including, but not limited to:

  • Location of activity
  • Technical skills required of leadership team and participants
  • Youth skills, attitude, capabilities and fitness levels
  • Leader skills, attitude, capabilities and fitness levels
  • Familiarity of surroundings
  • Time of year

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